Arts Advising
FEC’s Arts Advising Package Add-On includes guidance of the auditions process, monologue/song selection, portfolios, and pre-screens.
Disability Advising
Finding a college that can accommodate a student’s individual needs, whether he or she has a disability or not, can be an overwhelming task. Erin has been in that situation personally due to her attention deficit disorder and learning disabilities, so she understands how confusing and complex the process of finding a post-secondary institution can be, with respect to finding institutions that can successfully meet student needs. Using Erin’s personal experiences, training in Post-Secondary Disability Services, and extensive college and disability services visits, Field Educational Consulting, LLC [FEC] can assist the student to find an appropriately accommodating college that will allow the student to be as successful as he or she chooses to be. Along with the general services, FEC will work with the student and his or her family throughout the entire college search and application process with accommodations and accessibility in mind.
FEC’s Disability Advising Package Add-On includes advice on assistive technology, disability-related resources, college service levels, individual strategy, self-identification guidance, and testing accommodations.
Homeschool Advising
FEC’s Homeschool Advising Package Add-On includes assistance with advanced placement exams registration and preparation, completion statements, course/subject units advising, diplomas, High School Equivalency Test [HiSET] preparation, portfolio development, reading list selection, and transcript/record of grades maintenance.